Monday, September 30, 2019
Akeelah and the Bee
Akeelah was very successful in her Spelling Bee competitions. How many different learning skills are there in this movie to help all the spellers learn? Akeelah’s learning skills are what help her move further and further into the spelling bee. Basically, everyone in this movie has a different way of studying or learning. Akeelah, is a smart 11 year old girl who attends Crenshaw Middle School. She didn’t need to study for her spelling test, because she didn’t make mistakes on her tests. Akeelah doesn’t really fit in at school, she’s afraid of acting like she’s smarter than her friends or classmates.Before she goes for the Crenshaw School wide Spelling Bee, she studies alone. This makes her a Intrapersonal Learner in the beinging of the story. The principle wanted Dr. Larabee to coach her for the Regional Spelling Bee. Akeelah tells her principle no that does not need to be coached. She wanted to study alone. When Akeelah finally agrees to mee t with Dr. Larabee. She still very standoffish. She acted stubborn and hardheaded that she doesn’t need any help. So she ends up study by herself for the District Spelling Bee. She was very scared and nervous when she goes on the stage to spell because of all the people.She won tenth and made to the Regional Bee. There at the District Spelling Bee she befriends Javier a Mexican boy and fellow speller. He invites her to a spelling club at his school. The spelling club conducts itself outside on a basketball court as they pass the ball to each other to spell words. That makes me think that Javier is a Body/ Kinesthetic learner because he learns through body sensation moves around by playing basketball and spelling words. He also falls into Naturalistic learner because he’s outside while playing basketball and spelling words.Akeelah falls under the same two category but she does it a little different. She bounces the balls as she spells each letter. Another reason why I f eel this way is because she likes to be outside when studies her words. She overcomes her stage fright at the Regional Spelling Bee she’s a lot more confident. This is where I noticed that Akeelah is Verbal/ Linguistic learner. I then noticed another habit that she taps her hand on her leg as she says each letter. Just like when she was bouncing the basketball, again another example of her being a Body/ Kinesthetic learner.Dr. Larabee gives her a jump rope to spell the words as she spells, because she keeps time to spell better. This would make her musical/ rhythm because she’s keeping the rhythm as she jumps even when she taps on the side of her leg. Akeelah finally decides to apologize to Dr. Larabee so he can coach her. He doesn’t only want her to learn the words but life lessons as well. Dr. Larabee seems to be a Verbal/ Linguistic learner because he is a teacher and he communicates well through language and is a good speller. He was a former spelling bee co mpetitor when he was younger.Dr. Larabee also seems to be a Intrapersonal learner like Akeelah towards the end of the movie. The reason why I feel this way is because ,he wants to be alone doesn’t want to teach Akeelah any more. Dr. Larabee feels that teaching her is unpredictable. He gives her 5,000 flashcards to learn on her own. Akeelah gets overwhelmed with all those words, that she loses her motivation. With all the help of the neighborhood she learned all the words. As she was learning all these words she was using her jump rope outside going up and down the street.This is another example of her being a Body/ Kinesthetic and a Naturalistic learner. Because she moving her body and she’s outside while she does it. She makes it to National Spelling bee in Washington, D. C. Everything goes great because of her using a fake jump rope on stage to spell her words. The two finalist were Akeelah and Dylan, a Chinese boy who has won second place in the last two National Sp elling Bee’s. He is very contemptuous of her. Dylan’s father will not settle for second best.Dylan seems to be a Visual/ Spatial learner because he memorizes his words instead of learning them. They both win the National Championship. Mnemonic devices were used by all the spellers in this movie, because they would learn the spelling words. Then they use them when they would need them. For example they would use the word when they were ask to spell it In conclusion, most of the characters’ in this movie all had different learning style’s. But was also about the pursuit to pursuit to excellence the speller’s used. The difference between cramming and learning.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Fiction and Australian Identity Essay
The novel Cloudstreet, by Tim Winton resonates the idea of engaging readers through its focus on optimism despite hardship throughout the narrative. The text has the ability to be appreciated and understood through its textual integrity and realism, making it an inspirationally driven text for those engaged readers. A cultural perspective of the novel highlights how the characters in the novel overcome hardships and gain that sense of optimism, which is a true acknowledgment of the sentiment of the stereotypical â€Å"Australian†character. Winton’s focus on the overcoming of segregation in the novel, thoroughly emphasizes this notion of how after hardship, comes optimism, as once the family unites, there is this strong sense of optimism felt in the text. These ideas engage the reader to an extent of realisation that this text is one full of inspiration and encouragement, despite the hardship present at times. The cultural perspective of the novel incorporates the acknowledgment of the Australian identity, making the readers engage and relate with the various characters who posses similar traits. Sam Pickle’s lifestyle, focusing on vices and addiction, causes a great deal of hardship for himself and those around him. The influence gambling has on his life is shown in the quote, â€Å"He loved to gamble, for it was another way of finding water, a divination that sent his whole body sparking. †Comparing Sam’s gambling addiction to that of water allows for realisation of the importance of gambling in his life, as water is a necessity for life. This also creates a distinct connection between Sam and Fish, as Fish’s character thrives for water, bringing happiness and satisfaction to his life, as it is a â€Å"divination†. This creates the parallel that Sam may see gambling in this necessary way. It is known throughout the novel of the importance of water, and this quote portrays Sam’s view on gambling, thoroughly reflecting on its influence on his life. The hardships depicted in the novel are a realistic truth that creates textual integrity; recognizing the Australian identity, as a way to accept the hardships and move on with life, as Sam does throughout the novel. The significance of the inclusion of the Australian identity, is key in the characterization of the various characters, each bringing their own flaws and qualities to the narrative, giving it its engaging effect. The cultural perspective give the hardships faced in the novel a sense of realism, and relatability. Rose’s character is one that signifies the overcoming of these hardships, as she arguably faces the most significant adversities throughout her life. Rose’s private feelings regarding the impact of her parents’ vices is expressed in how, â€Å"There was too much shame, too much cowering under the neighbours’ eyes, too much agonizing embarrassment going to school with a black eye †¦Ã¢â‚¬ The repetition of â€Å"too much†evokes empathy for her circumstances as she is compelled to suffer not only neglect but physical abuse from her mother as well. The obvious physical pain, as well as her lowered moral shown throughout the novel, seem to entice the idea of the negativity hardship can have on ones life. It forces Rose to want to breakaway from her family ideas and values, and explore the world, looking for that sense of optimism. Her character proves the underlying attributes in the Australian identity; attributes that focus on pursuing happiness, to gain a greater perspective of life. The narrative allows for the idea of segregation to act as an aspect of the hardship faced by the characters. It distinguishes the differences between those who are separated, identifying their different lifestyles and values as factors, which has caused this disconnection. The segregation and major personality differences between the two families are highlighted in the quote, â€Å"Sometimes they squared off at one another like opposing platoons. †The metaphor of comparing the two sets of children to â€Å"platoon†, a word commonly used in war, parallels the separation caused by the war. This emphasizes a key aspect of the contextual features of the storyline, as the war has a major impact on the lives of the characters. This also exaggerates the level of separation between the two families, suggesting they have a war-like standing against each other, caused by different views and opinions. The notion of segregation between the families is an obvious cause of hardship, as the two families share so much, whilst being completely different. There is strong symbolism throughout Cloud Street that parallels this idea of segregation. The end of the novel signifies the overcoming of these symbols, in order to unite. The divided backyard is achieved through â€Å"old signs patched together,†symbolizing the patching together’ of lives after the previous hardships faced. The families of Cloudstreet are very different, one who works hard for their own benefit and the other strongly focused on taking life in its stride, letting luck decide life’s path. Winton tends to favour the Lamb families determination, as the constant reliance on luck is not always dependable, as it causes much disruption and conflict between members of the Pickle family. Representatives of the different families work collaboratively in removing both the physical and emotional barriers. â€Å"A square little woman unpegged and folded a tent another woman stepped forward, tottering a little. She crossed the long gash where yesterday there’d been a fence, and took a corner of the tent herself. †The families are literally brought together by the folding of the tent. Corner to corner, their lives are intertwined in a fashion that shows overcoming the hardships created by segregation, allowing for a united nature to be founded in Cloudstreet due to the determination of two family representatives overcoming mutual prejudices. Tim Winton’s novel Cloudstreet is inspirational in the sense that the realism that is created through the narrative, makes the text relatable and appreciated for different contexts. This enables for the reader to be engaged with the storyline, which acknowledges key features such as the Australian identity, and the overcoming of segregation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Application of LBM in Aerospace Industry
Application of LBM in Aerospace Industry INTRODUCTION: Requirement of precision components, complicated design, stringent standards and testing, unusual size of workpiece, restrictions in conventional machining processes has lead to development of advanced machining processes shortly AMP. In past few years, there were several AMP’s developed such as electric discharge machining (EDM), electron beam machining, electrochemical machining, chemical machining processes (CMP), ultrasonic machining (USM), and jet machining processes abrasive jet machining, water jet machining, laser beam machining etc. Each of these AMP’s has its limitations in workpiece material, shape etc. But LBM is the one of the AMP’s where almost all material can be processed. One of major advantage of LBM is its ability to machine both conductive and non-conductive materials. Laser beam machining (LBM) is one of the most widely used thermal energy based non-contact type advance machining process which can be applied for almost whole ra nge of materials. Laser beam is focused for melting and vaporizing the unwanted material from the parent material. As of now the major application on LBM is profile cutting of geometrically complex part and making miniature holes in sheetmetal. HISTORY OF LASER: In 1917, it was Albert Einstein who first told the world about the process called â€Å"Stimulated Emission†which makes the laser possible. In 1957, Gordon Gould, a Columbia University student designed the first laser device in his laboratory. However the first working laser (ruby laser) was found on 16th of May, 1960 by Dr. Theodore Maiman. This demonstration of ruby laser acted as entry door to this field. Till then lots and lots of researches have been done and various lasers were found. Some of major contributions and highlights are â€Å"Gas laser†which used helium and neon gases by Ali Javan during 1960, semi conductor laser by Gunther Fenner in 1962, CO2 laser by Kumar Patel on 1964, Nd-YAG laser by Ge usic in 1964 etc. The first excimer laser was demonstrated in 1970 by Basov et ah and it was liquid xenon which was excited with a pulsed electron beam. The first commercial application of continuous wave CO2 lasers was made during 1967 by Western Electric and the first successful industrial application of laser cutting was die-board slotting. Whereas now, lasers have been into many areas such as aerospace, die and mold manufacturing, biomechanical devices, automotive, electric, and electronic industries etc. Likewise many studies have been made to find many such lasers and also studies were done to improve / optimize the working parameters of the lasers. FUNDAMENTALS OF LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation – LASER is a device which produces a monochromatic light beam where all the waves are coherent. LASER consists of four primary components: Active medium : It contains atoms whose electrons are excited to higher energy levels by an energy source. They are solid crystals such as ruby or Nd:YAG, liquid dyes, gases like CO2 or Helium/Neon, or semiconductors such as GaAs. Excitation Mechanism: Excitation mechanisms pump energy into the active medium. Three basic method of excitation are optical, electrical or chemical. High Reflectance Mirror Partially Transmissive Mirror The major principles of Laser are stimulation, amplification and population inversion.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Community Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Community Project Management - Essay Example These members are responsible for electing the management committee. The management committee looks after all the activity of the community based organization. This management committee is responsible for legal matters, financial position of the organization, & providing of good quality of service. So if we analyze all the organization listed above, we find that these organizations are working for helping the community as & when required. These organizations are big organizations and having large number of members. Members play an important role in helping the people who are in need. Members of these organizations are also responsible for providing good quality of service. These organizations are also known as non profit organization. The management of these non profit community organizations is known as community project management. Designing & implementation of community project management is depending upon the type of community organization. Following factors affects the designing of a community project management: (Reference 1, Page No.-60). 1) Organization size: The size of community organization plays a vital role in designing and implementation of community project management. As the size increases the community project management becomes more critical & difficult to manage. 2) Technology used: During designing of community project management one should take ca... As the size increases the community project management becomes more critical & difficult to manage. 2) Technology used: During designing of community project management one should take care of the recent technology used by the community organization. On the basis of technology used by the organization, designing of community project management takes place. 3) Operating environment: Operating environment is also a crucial and important factor in community project management. Operating environment means the environment in which the organization is operating. During designing one should take care of operating environment, so that the future problem with the environment can be minimize. 4) Sources: The sources of the services should be taken into consideration while designing the community project management. During designing one should take care of the availability of the sources. The sources which are easily available and of good quality are taken into the consideration while designing community project management. 5) Strategy: Strategy of the community also helps in designing of community project management. Following three type of strategy used in the community organization a) Long term strategy b) Short term strategy c) Middle term strategy. So while designing the community project management, strategy should be taken into consideration for optimal utilization of resources available. Project Life Cycle (Reference 1, Page No.-55). While designing the community project management we should know the life cycle of the project. Without the study of project life cycle, we can not design the community project management. Following components are very important in project life cycle: 1) Project Requirement 2) Designing 3)
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Strategic Planning and Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Strategic Planning and Implementation - Essay Example As every country in Europe, Germany has much association with the liberal ideas. Political attitudes, supporting liberal democracy, are changing gradually. The new generation is more democratic in their thoughts. German political leaders are apt to be more law oriented, fiscally conservative, and formalistic reflecting their acquaintance with economics and law. Germany economy is the largest in Europe. It has been badly impacted by the recent economic downturn, and so being operated in this economy, the company also got the hit. This was the economic force which affected the operation in a great way. Germany is one of the leading countries on the globe. The German work force is mostly engaged in service sector. The whole workforce in mainly divided in certain groups; the elite, who are well trained and well educated, skilled workers and unskilled workers. A noticeable number of them are foreigners. A perceptible part of the last group stays below the poverty line (Country Studies, n.d). Germany is very much affluent and technologically powerful country. They have got access to many resources. Germany’s triumphs in the field of technology and science have been prominent. Research and development efforts form an important part of the German economy. The scientific research in the country is mostly supported by the industries over there. Germany is the largest economy in Europe and at the same time, the second most populated country in Europe. Out of the many environmental issues Germany has, some worries include the emissions from the burning of coal; industries are hugely contributing to this situation. Acid rain is another, which is produced from the emission of sulphur dioxide. This in turn damages forests, create pollution to Baltic Sea. Disposal of hazardous wastage is another environmental issue created mainly by the industries. These issues seem to be few of the problems, those people are concerned about. With the industries of vehicles,
A Review of Literature on How to Manage International Joint Venture
A of on How to Manage International Joint Venture Successfully - Literature review Example An IJV represents a relationship between voluntary cooperative partner companies, in which these companies maintain their independence and objectives. However, in the frame strategic alliances, an antonym of cooperative behavior is opportunistic behavior, the latter being understood as mismatch of expectations and preferences (current or future) of one partner (Michael and Louis, 1989). Key moderating measures of opportunism are increased control over the IJV by members in order to receive a portion of fair income (Feya and Beamishb, 1999). Discussion Among the various models of cooperation, international joint ventures are considered as the preferred mode of entry by firms (Reinier and Maria, 2009). However, the rate of failure of these organizational forms remains high. In addition, the IJVs are known for their fragility and their heterogeneous performance (Reinier and Maria, 2009). Several cases of IJV experience a failure due to the emergence of a conflict between the partners. A mong these cases, we can cite the example of the partnership between the French group Danone and Chinese Wahaha established in the beverage industry (Pothukuchi et al., 2002). The two groups signed an agreement in 1996 to create a joint venture, Wahaha Joint Venture Company, with 51% owned by Danone and 49% owned by the Chinese partner. After nearly a decade of fruitful collaboration, the relationship deteriorated and conflicts erupted in 2006. Indeed, Danone discovered that its partner violated non-competition clauses specified in the contract. The Chinese products are similar to those marketed by Danone. This conflict led the transfer in 2009 of shares in Danone joint entity with its Chinese partner. Studies on international joint ventures have dealt with various topics: the choice of partner, the formation of international joint venture, control mechanisms and inter-firm trust and the performance of the alliance. Some of them are focused on the instability of IJV (Reinier and Mar ia, 2009) and particularly on the determinants that affect the outcome of this relationship. In contrast to our knowledge, a few studies have attempted to introduce management tools that can help enterprises to manage conflicts. In this context, the work of Mjoen and Tallman (2003) proposed a management tool change during the phase of post-merger integration and acquisition. The purpose of this article is to provide the first theoretical approach to educating managers of joint ventures to develop management tools to manage crisis conflicts. These conflicts can occur throughout the formation process of IJV, hence the need to mobilize. Indeed, despite the large number of conflict researches and those on IJV crisis management, few of them are interested in bringing these two issues together (Mjoen and Tallman, 2003). It is in this context that our research will follow the following plan: firstly, this research focuses on the instability and conflict in the IJV and secondly, this resear ch provides the tools of crisis management and discusses how to better manage the conflict within the framework of the partnership relations. The International Joint Ventures and Conflict The Instability of International Joint Ventures The international joint venture is a form of alliance between companies involving creation of a new independent legal structure
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Broome County CAFR Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Broome County CAFR - Article Example With the increased use of debt capital for financing, the magnitude of interest payable on outstanding debt increases (Megginson and Smart, 2008, p.53). The actual long term solvency would depend on the ability of the company to generate sufficient incomes from their operations so that they are able to service fixed interest payable on outstanding liability. Generally the ideal value of debt ratio should be less than 0.50. Debt Equity Ratio The Debt to Equity ratio is a measure of relative proportion of debt to shareholders’ equity that is used by the company to finance its assets. It is one of the indicators for long term solvency of a company. The two components of this ratio are derived from the balance sheet of the company that reflects the company’s financial position on a given date. The debt observed in this ratio is usually the long term debt of the organization. The composition of debt and equity in the capital structure of a firm determines influences value of firm and its long term solvency (Gibson, 2012, pp.285-286). Basically, this ratio is a measure of company’s future obligations relative in balance sheet to equity and higher values indicate that company’s long term debt exceeds shareholders’ equity. Hence, the ideal value should be less than 1. Financial Health Analysis When the balance sheet of Broom County was analyzed for the years 2006 and 2007, it was found that Debt Ratio of Governmental Activities was 50.61% and 49.06% respectively. As discussed earlier, the acceptable value of this ratio should be less than 50% and the organization seems to have deleveraged their balance sheet in the year 2007 from 2006. The value of this ratio from Business Activities for... This research is being carried out to conduct a long term solvency test on Broom County. It is referred to as the company’s ability to honor long term obligations. In order to assess the long term solvency of the firm there are many standard ratios available such as Debt size ratio, Debt to equity ratio, Cash flow coverage ratio, Debt service as percentage of revenues, and so on. In this study the long term solvency of Broom County was analyzed using two key ratios namely Debt size ratio and Debt equity ratio. The formulas for the respective ratios are as follows, Debt Size Ratio = Total Debt/Total Asset Debt-Equity Ratio = Total Debt/Total Net Asset Debt Size Ratio measures the degree of financial leverage of the company, and generally higher values indicate higher financial risk. The ratio indicates whether the company is in a better financial position to service its total debt with its total assets. The Debt to Equity ratio is a measure of relative proportion of debt to shareholders’ equity that is used by the company to finance its assets. It is one of the indicators for long term solvency of a company. When the balance sheet of Broom County was analyzed for the years 2006 and 2007, it was found that Debt Ratio of Governmental Activities was 50.61% and 49.06% respectively. As discussed earlier, the acceptable value of this ratio should be less than 50% and the organization seems to have deleveraged their balance sheet in the year 2007 from 2006. The value of this ratio from Business Activities for both the years are less than 50% and are hence within tolerable limits.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Staff Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Staff Motivation - Essay Example The organization and the group’s primary objective is to help employees transition towards a better career and to help individuals with their talent. The group also aims to target organizations through better talent hunting and management programs. The problem at hand with the group is that outplacement has become more of a commodity as a result of which price in the industry is being cut and the group is losing business to its peers in the ensuing fierce competition. With several players in the market, margins have reduced significantly and thus the service offerings by the group are not earning enough revenues for the organization. The primary aim of the organization is now to earn a significant revenue stream that will help boost its share price. The company has set up a benchmark to improve its share prices from 31.5p currently to ?2 in the future. With this aim, the management will need to earn about ?20 million in revenues and about ?4 million in profit. The management i s also of the view that despite the state of the economy, the business is well placed and thus can earn this stream of revenues. The paper aims to evaluate the various options that the management has along with developing a theoretical framework that will help in deciding the plan of action that the management should undertake in order to boost its revenue stream. A diagnostic as well as change model will also be presented that will help the organization towards improved revenues. Literature Review Human resource management is one of the key support functions within an organization and helps leverage the organization’s performance through the usage of human resources. Some of the key areas within the realms of human resource management include hiring, promotions, appraisals, training, placement and talent management, along with coaching and outplacement of employees. Human resource management is now critically integrated with organizational learning as well as strategic manag ement making it one of key fields that organizations should focus on for better results. The key human resource problems that are part of today’s economy include globalization where diversity has various ranges and a spectrum that is difficult to define. (Papalexandrisa, 1996; Boxall, 1996; Garavan, Costine and Heraty, 1995; Garavan, Heraty and Barnicle, 1999; Becker and Huselid, 1999; Stewart, Marhine and Hall, 1999; Stewart, 1996; Garavan, 1991; Gilley and Eggland, 1992) Other issues include problems with finding the right talent with respect to the job description and the creation of various jobs with descriptions that are difficult to fill up due to their technical nature. Retention is also one of the key areas where human resource management is important and where organizations need to be focused on. Retaining employees is one of the cheaper alternatives to hiring another resource where hiring takes long hours and resources to actually fulfil. One of key ways through whi ch human resource management consultancies help includes helping find the right resources towards the jobs that need to be filled by organizations, along with helping in training these employees, equipping them with the tools and techniques on getting the work done
Monday, September 23, 2019
Descriptive Narration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Descriptive Narration - Essay Example It was about dinner time when I asked my parents to get dressed up so we could go and dine out at Al-Habib Resturant. Al-Habib had to be the perfect location that night as it was located on the suburbs of Karachi and I wanted to drive out of the metro for a change, plus the food they offered was amongst the best in town. Convincing my parents wasn’t an easy job at all considering my mom isn’t an easy person to deal with. Looking for my parents, I finally found them in the kitchen. Dad was busy watching news as usual and mom was busy with the household chores. The moment I got hold of her was when she had just moved on to the dishwasher to do the dishes. I asked her to get ready so we could leave in a bit, but much to my amazement she seemed to be the least interested. She replied in the negative and told me she had peeled the potatoes and was just about to fry them and there was no chance we’d leave. This is where my tool of emotional blackmail came in, something which I was very good it. I told her I hadn’t been out since a month, that even at the office the year end auditing had kept me really busy and tensed. Dad, being a former auditor himself poked in and convinced mom telling her how important this rest was for me. Mom still pissed, finally did agree to leave. As soon as the clock struck nice, I got out of my apartments and told my parents to come down in five minutes while I get the petrol tank filled up from the nearby pump. Upon reaching the parking lot, straight away I found my car and drove towards the pump. On my way to the gas station, the roads seemed to be empty and I wasn’t able to find even a single car on my way. Even at the station I just found one car, that being of their proprietor. Anyway I got the tank filled and moved towards my apartments and ultimately reach there in five minutes. This time I didn’t enter the apartments but rather called up my dad on his cellular phone
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Main Causes of Changes in American Families Essay Example for Free
The Main Causes of Changes in American Families Essay The three main causes of changes in American families are the rising divorce rate, changing role of women, and changing attitudes about marriage. The first main cause of changes in American families is the rising divorce rate. The rising of divorce rate has increased for a long time. This increasing has caused too much changing in the life of American families. First, divorce has caused single parent for children. Most children who have single parent will have hard life. For instance, they live either with father or with mother. They may not get enough caring from one of them who they live with. This circumstance may affect them negatively in the future, and it cause huge changing in their life. Second, divorce makes families separated especially children. Most spouses who decide to make divorce will change their families. For example, due to their decision, they will cause to change their children’s behaviors. This cause will lead them to do anything that affects their behavior negatively such choosing improper friends, do not continue their education due to lack of caring from their parents, or drinking alcohol too much. Third, having babies before getting married will cause to children to have single parent family. Some children who are born before parents get married will live in single parents. According to Hare and Gray(n. d), wrote, â€Å"the primary reason is divorce rate at slightly more than 50% and birth to woman who do not wish marry. Sixty percent of all children will spend some of their lives in a single-parent family. Currently, about 88% of these families are headed by women†(section family forms, para. 4). Add a comment on the source and/or a paragraph conclusion. Good job. In conclusion, there are three reasons that cause change in the American families which are divorce, role of women, and changing attitude about marriage. I think divorce is the most cause of changing in American families. The three main causes of changes in American families are the rising divorce rate, changing role of women, and changing attitudes about marriage. The first main cause of changes in American families is the rising divorce rate. The rising divorce rate has increased recentlyfor a long time. This increaseing has caused too manyuch changesing in the structure life of of American families. First, divorce has createdcaused single- parent families for children. Furthermore, mMost children who have single parents will have a hard life. For instance, they live either with their father or with mother. MoreoverFurthermore, they may not get enough careing from the parent one of them who they live with. This circumstance may affect children negatively in the future, and it causes a huge changeing in their life to the negative wayworst. Second, divorce makes families separated, especially children. Most parents who decide to make divorce will change their families. For example, due to their decision, they will cause to change their children’s behaviors. This cause will lead them to many consequences do anything that affects their behavior negatively such choosing improper friends, do not continue their education due to lack of caring from their parents, or drinking alcohol too much. In addition, divorce may create problems for whole families. Third, having babies before getting married will cause for to children to have single parent family. Some children who are born before parents get married will live in single parents. Hard and Gray (n. ) said that the major reason is the ratenge of divorce has increased to 50%, and more the women who have babies before getting married. There are 60% of kids will have single parent in their life. Also, 80% of those kids are controlled by their mothers right now. (section family forms, para. 4). In conclusion, there are three reasons that cause change in the American families which are divorce, role o f women, and changing attitude about marriage. These causes affect the American families negatively, especially for children’s life. I think divorce is the most cause of changing in American families.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism
Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism Introduction Bioterrorism is considered to be one of the most talked about issues with regard to national security since the inception of the new millennium. On September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorism struck the United States with the crashing and attempted crashing of airplanes into significant economic and political buildings. This act of terror was a significant beginning to fears of what was next from terrorist groups. Even though this was not the first, and definitely not the last, terrorist threat or attempt it was definitely the most profound and unquestionably caused fear, panic and social disruption much less economic issues globally. Within days of the 9/11 attacks the awareness of American vulnerability became more evident with the media publicity of the Anthrax scares. This brought about international concerns with bioterrorism as envelopes that were filled with anthrax spores were sent to political and media sources throughout the United States and twenty-two people were infected and five deaths occurred (Ryan Glarum, 2008). Nipah is just one of many viruses that are available to terrorist groups for development as a bioweapon. In 1999 this virus was first found and noted to be very easily disseminated to humans through inhalation and ingestion. Even though there are many potential pathogens available, the Nipah virus has proven itself to be one of the most dangerous and advantageous . As the Nipah virus progressed there was fear noted by workers, families and healthcare providers in southern Asia. With a mortality rate of 40% to 100% (Lam, 2002; World Health Organization [WHO], 2009) in infected areas, and an economic impact that cost several millions to Malaysias economy, this virus has potential for significant bioterrorism. Natural History The Nipah Virus (NiV), family paramyxoviridae, was first recognized in Malaysia, South Asia in late 1998 into Spring 1999. This disease was recognized when an outbreak of sickness and death occurred among pig farmers, it infected 265 people, with 105 deaths, a mortality rate of approximately 40% (Lam, 2002). This virus was new to the scientific community and first thought to be Japanese Encephalitis (JE) which had occurred in approximately the same location years earlier. JE was also noted to infect people that were around domesticated pigs, just like the currently identified Nipah Virus (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 2001). The Nipah virus was found to also have similar symptoms as those of the Hendra Virus which caused respiratory disease and encephalitis in Australia in 1994 (Fraser, 2009). The Nipah virus is considered by the CDC as a newly emerging pathogen that could be engineered for mass dissemination (Ryan Glarum, 2008; Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.). Since the onset of the Nipah virus in 1999, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been twelve significant outbreaks since the initial, with 202 persons infected and a loss of life of 146 individuals, mortality of over 72%. Two of these outbreaks, one in India in 2007 and one in Bangladesh in 2008 had mortality rates of 100%, showing the devastating effects of this virus (WHO, 2009). The initial investigation of the Nipah virus found that abattoir workers who dealt with pigs daily and those that were exposed through farming and transporting pigs were getting ill. As the investigation continued it found that the pigs were infecting the workers (zoonotic disease). After discovery, subsequently over 1.1 million pigs were disposed of to quell the transmission of the virus. This destruction of pigs was significantly devastating to the economy of Malaysia noting an estimated loss of $217 million dollars (Ryan Glarum, 2008, p. 104). Virus Transference The Nipah virus host was found to be pteropid bats (flying foxes), located in Australia and the southern areas of Asia. During expansion of farms toward the rainforests and the destruction of the rainforest for manufacturing and industry, many animals including bats had to relocate to survive. Many pig farmers in Malaysia also had large fruit orchards situated next to the pig enclosures, as growth of pig farming continued and the loss of habitat for bats persisted to change bats started to forage the nearby orchards for food. As this progression continued there was an increased chance of disease contamination to domestic animals from wildlife, and as such a significant increase in contact between pigs and bats. Therefore, greater opportunity for transmission of the Nipah virus (â€Å"Dr. Jonathan Epstein Returnsâ€Å", 2005). As the Nipah virus was investigated it was believed to have been transmitted to pigs from bats through the saliva, urine and feces of the bats which feed and nest in local orchards (â€Å"Dr. Jonathan Epstein Returnsâ€Å", 2005), near pig pens. This potential transmission probably occurred when bat secretions fell into the pig pens and were ingested by these domesticated animals. The initial human virus outbreak in Malaysia and Singapore was believed to have been from direct contact with sick pigs or their meat products, and possibly could have come from the consumption of contaminated fruit or juices from the orchards. As the virus progressed and research was done there was an established link noting person-to-person contamination through close contact (World Health Organization [WHO], 2009) Physiology of Exposure The Nipah virus seems to have many different clinical manifestations in individual animals and humans. There is a broad range of clinic signs that can point to virus infection that cause researchers and healthcare providers to not recognize patterns of initial infection, therefore not recognizing potential disease outbreaks. According to the WHO (2009), the incubation period (interval from infection to onset of symptoms) varies from four to 45 days. This significant range makes it incredibly hard to follow the virus between initial exposure and medical treatment. Recognizing that the person is showing signs of a virus, and narrowing down the specific virus, then treating it appropriately for an individual is a challenge but feasible. But with such a wide incubation period there is a possibility that viable information could be lost or not noticed. The physiological symptoms of this virus in humans is characterized by non-specific signs and symptoms to include severe headache, fever, vomiting, myalgia (muscular pain) disorientation, respiratory diseases, neurological deficits and encephalitis and in many cases may cause coma or death (Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy [CIDRAP], 2009). In pigs there is characterization of signs and symptoms depending on the age of the animal. The basic signs noted are fever, shortness of breath, muscle twitching, trembling, rear leg weakness, severe coughing, open-mouth breathing, abnormal posturing and convulsions (CIDRAP, 2009). After initial exposure and treatment follow-up research was done and in this study it was noted that there were relapses in clinic symptoms to include encephalitis up to twenty-two months later, without re-exposure. The research and that an estimated 160 patients who recovered from acute encephalitis and 89 patients who experienced asymptomatic infection received follow-up care for ‘late-onset encephalitis (neurological manifestations occurring for the first time at ten or more weeks after initial infection) or ‘relapsed encephalitis (neurological manifestations after recovery from acute encephalitis) (Halpin Mungall, 2007, p. 290). Host Sources The Nipah Virus source comes from Pteropus fruit bats (AKA: Flying Foxes), which are found in Southern Asia and Australia. In 1997 fruit bats were noted to begin foraging on flowers and nectar in trees located near orchards contiguous to infected areas (Cobey, 2005). Fruit bats were found to be the natural source of this virus and caused the transfer of the virus to pigs and human beings. As domesticated pigs were sold for breeding and transferred to other farms the virus was quickly disseminated further throughout southern Asia (Cobey, 2005). Possible Use in Biowarfare Biowarfare, and in this day and age bioterrorism, is a threat that began before the birth of Christ. According to Dr. Michael D. Phillips, M.D. one of the first recorded incidents [of bioterrorism]was in Mesopotamia. The Assyrians employed rye ergot, an element of the fungus Claviceps purpurea, which contains mycotoxins. Rye ergot was used by Assyria to poison the wells of their enemies, with limited success (Phillips, 2005, p. 32). Use of pathogens to induce sickness, death or terror has continued until present time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has listed the Nipah virus as a critical biological agent, Category C. Category C agents are emerging pathogens that could be engineered for mass dissemination in the future because of: * Availability * Ease of production and dissemination * Potential for high morbidity and mortality rates and major health impact (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.,  ¶ 3; (Ryan Glarum, 2008, p. 105)) With this categorization the virus is a living pathogen that can be developed as a bioweapon with the right knowledge, and equipment. For the virus to be weaponized it needs to be purified, stabilized and properly sized. Since this is a living virus the bioterrorist agent can be replicated once disseminated (Ryan Glarum, 2008). At this time, there is no information about how this virus could be manufactured to become a bioterrorist agent, but with the right knowledge the potential is there. Production Methods Since the Nipah virus has proven to be disseminated through secretions from bats and pigs, and shown to cause severe infection and death it can potentially be used as a bioterrorist agent with little changes in its basic state. If the excretions from infected bats in palm juice can cause infection and death then there is ease in distribution with a significant amount of virus. Even with these basic distribution methods there is information about the Nipah virus and its compounds being published. As knowledge continues be found about the virus and information availability of the compounds there is potential for virus manipulation for maximum threat to animals and humans to induce fear and panic. Information such as this is noted in an article by Medical News Today, (2005). This article states that UCLA scientists have revealed how the Nipah virus infiltrates human cells. The article further states the virus exploits a protein that is essential to embryonic development to enter cells and attack. The virus must infect a cell by binding to a viral-specific receptor and once that is done penetrates the cell. The article actually gives the receptor name as Ephrin-B2, and is found to be the key to unlocking these dangerous cells. If this information is so easily accessible and is available it allows terrorists groups with the knowledge and expertise to manipulate the virus for dissemination and extreme virulence. The Nipah virus is still a relatively new virus and steps are slowly being made in understanding this infant virus. As of this time there is very little knowledge about how effective this virus would be or what would be needed to make it infective. With bioterrorist there is always a concern with the storage and stability of the virus for development and weaponization. As developments are made and intelligence is gathered with regard to potential agents there will be a concern with any viral pathogen. Transmissibility Animal-to-human Animal (pig) to human transmissibility was the first noted issue with regard to the detection of the Nipah virus in 1999. As stated earlier the virus spread rapidly and was found to have started with pig farmers and abattoir workers that worked closely and handled these animals. As the virus progressed and workers died it was found that pigs in these farms had been coughing loudly (bark type of cough), and nerve damage was becoming prevalent. In a short amount of time approximately five percent of these animals died and the illness was spreading significantly (Pearl, 2006). Also transmissibility has been noted from non-specific animal contact put through the ingestion of date palm juice taken from the trees that bats nest and feed. As the fruit tree workers and farmers gather the palm juice through clay pots bats drink from the pots and transfer saliva to the nectar (Pearl, 2006). Person-to-person Many of the articles written on the Nipah virus states that there is no evidence that there is transmissibility of the virus from person-to-person. In contrast, according to a research investigation done during a Bangladeshi outbreak in 2004, there is definitive evidence that the Nipah virus can be transmitted from person-to-person (Gurley et al., July 2007). According to the research, subsequent investigations in India and Bangladesh have suggested that Nipah virus may have been transmitted from person-to-person. During an outbreak in 2001in India, 75% of the patients, including fourteen healthcare workers, had a history of hospital exposure to patients infected with Nipah virus (Gurley et al., July 2007), with no other exposure risks noted. The exposure, and subsequent virus, occurred with persons who lived with or cared for the patients, and persons who were in close contact for a significant amount of time. According to a research article published by the CDC, the Nipah virus can be transmitted from person-to-person. The article states, in a densely populated area a lethal virus could rapidly spread before effective interventions are implemented. This spread would provide the seed for a substantial regional or global public health problem (Gurley et al., 2007, p. 1036). According to Gurley et al., 2007 there is significant evidence that person-to-person contact will cause infection. The person-to-person transmissibility factors include having (1) touched or received a cough or sneeze in the face, (2) any contact with someone who later died, was febrile, unconscious, or had respiratory difficulty, and (3) visited the home, and possibly, the village an infected person. The most significant evidence of person-to-person infections was with a religious leader where twenty-two persons who had became infected after close contact. The religious leader was moved to his home and eight members of his household became infected. Two brothers who lived a significant distance away were infected after only a six hour visitation, son-in-law and daughter who lived only about one hour away and eleven other followers of the leader contracted the disease after contact (Gurley et al., 2007) with no noted other infection means. Surface-to-person To this date there is no evidence of any transfer of the virus to persons from surface contact, in fact how long the virus remains infectious on environmental surfaces is not known. In an article written by (Gurley et al., 2007) collection of 468 environmental specimens were gathered through swabbing of potential surfaces that included walls, bed frames, mattresses, floors and utensils in hospital rooms and residences of infected individuals. Also collected were swabs from trees, fruits, excrement and other surfaces around possible bat foraging sites. With all of this gathered specimens the only information obtained was that the infected individuals shed the virus into the environment, showing potential for transmission, but no evidence was found that surfaces caused any positive infection to another person. Potential for contagion and considerations relative to Biodefense The Nipah virus has the potential to be a very detrimental bioweapon of choice for domestic or international terrorists. With the virus being zoonotic (disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals, [â€Å"Zoonosisâ€Å", 2009]), which effects animals and humans, and the ease of transmission from the saliva and urine of fruit bats to these two groups the potential for a Potential for contagion and considerations relative to biodefense According to Kortepeter and Parker (Kortepeter Parker, 1999), for a biological agent to be used for a greatest plausible occurrence, an agent must have specific properties: * the agent should be highly lethal and easily produced in large quantities * Given that the aerosol route is the most likely for a large-scale attack, stability in aerosol and capability to be dispersed (17,000 to 5,000 nanometers (nm) particle size) are necessary * being communicable from person-to-person, and * having no treatment or vaccine In using the above criteria the Nipah virus would make a credible biological threat for a domestic or international terrorist group. Host bats being plentiful in Australia and southern Asia would make it easy to obtain the saliva, feces or urine of these hosts for initial development of the virus. The Nipah virus being 150 to 200 nm in diameter and 10,000 to 10,040 nm long (CIDRAP, 2009,  ¶ 3), it could be used in an aerosol form for dispersement. According to Gurley et al., there is significant evidence that there is person-to-person communicability and according to the WHO, there are currently no drugs or vaccines available to treat Nipah virus infection. Intensive supportive care with treatment of symptoms is the main approach to managing the infection in people (2009,  ¶8 ). Conclusion The Nipah virus should be a concern for any government as a potential for a bioterrorist attack. As with the 9/11 and the anthrax attacks in 2001 there could be significant fear, panic, economic issues and social disruption if this virus was used. With a mortality rate of 40% to 100% (Lam, 2002; WHO, 2009), and an incubation period of up to 45 days (WHO, 2009), this could definitely be a pathogen of choice for terrorists. The ease of access to the virus itself from fruit bats, to pigs and to humans, not to mention the transmissibility ease through inhalation and ingestion, makes this the perfect biological weapon. The disease this virus manifests, from flu type symptoms to severe encephalitis, will cause significant fear to the public and will stress healthcare facilities if a large outbreak occurs. This virus also has no known cure as of this date, even though there are developments in that direction. The Nipah virus needs to continue to be monitored and treatment options along with vaccine development needs to be continuous until this threat is diminished. References Biological Warfare. (2009). In Wikipedia. Retrieved December 25, 2009, from Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2001). Japanese Encephalitis. Retrieved from Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Emergency Preparedness and Response: Bioterrorism; Category C Agents. Retrieved from Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy. (2009). Nipah Virus. Retrieved December 25, 2009, from Cobey, S. (2005). Nipah Virus: Natural History. Retrieved from The Henipavirus Ecology Collaborative Research Group: Dr. Jonathan Epstein Returns from Studies of Nipah Virus in Malaysia. (2005). Retrieved from Enserink, M. (2004, February 20). Nipah virus (or a cousin) strikes again. Science, 303.5661, 1121. Retrieved from Academic OneFile. Web. 24 Dec. 2009. . Field, H., Young, P., Yob, J. M., Mills, J., Hall, L., Mackenzie, J. (2001). The natural history of Hendra and Nipah viruses. Microbes and Infection, 3, 307-314. doi: 10.1016/S1286-4579(01)01384-3 Fraser, L. (2009, November 16, 2009). Is Hendra and Hipah a threat to US?. Ticker. Retrieved from Gurley, E. S., Montgomery, J. M., Hossain, M. J., Bell, M., Azad, A. K., Islam, M. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019
the pearl :: essays research papers
Kino, Juana, and their infant son, Coyotito, live in a modest brush house by the sea. One morning, calamity strikes when a scorpion bites Coyotito. Hoping to protect their son, Kino and Juana rush him to town, to the doctor's. When they arrive at the gate, the doctor turns them away because they are poor natives who can't pay him enough. Later that same morning, Kino and Juana take their family canoe, an heirloom, out to the estuary to go diving for pearls. Juana makes a poultice for Coyotito's wound while Kino searches the sea bottom. Juana's prayers for a large pearl are answered when Kino surfaces with the largest pearl either of them has ever seen. Kino lets out a triumphant yell at his good fortune, prompting the surrounding boats to circle in and examine the treasure. In the afternoon, the whole neighborhood gathers at Kino's brush house to celebrate his find. Kino names a list of things that he will secure for his family with his newfound wealth, including a church wedding and an education for his son. The neighbors marvel at Kino's boldness, and wonder if he is foolish or wise to hold such ambitions. Toward evening, the local priest visits Kino to bless him in his good fortune and to remind him of his place within the church. Shortly thereafter, the doctor arrives, explaining that he was out in the morning but has come now to cure Coyotito. He administers a powdered capsule and promises to return in an hour. In the intervening period, Coyotito grows violently ill and Kino decides to bury the pearl under the floor in a corner of the brush house. After the doctor returns, he feeds Coyotito a potion to quiet the baby's spasms. When the doctor inquires about payment, Kino explains that soon he will sell his large pearl, and inadvertently glances toward the corner where he has hidden the pearl. This mention of the pearl greatly intrigues the doctor, and Kino is left with an uneasy feeling. Before going to bed, Kino re-buries the pearl under a stone in his fire hole. That night, he is roused by an intruder digging around in the corner. A violent struggle ensues, and Kino's efforts to chase away the criminal leave him bloodied. Terribly upset by this turn of events, Juana proposes that they abandon the pearl, which she considers an agent of evil. The next morning, Kino and Juana make their way to town to sell the pearl.
What Came First Thought Or Lan :: essays research papers
Language came after Thought In order to be able to prove the statement 'Language came after thought', the words 'language' and 'thought' first will have to be defined. Language could be described as a system for formulating and communicating information, thoughts and feelings. There is, however, not one adequate definition of thinking, since most definitions do not cover all aspects of thought. It could be defined as a mental activity, but also as the way one's mind perceives one's senses. Having gathered this information, the concepts of language and thought will be looked at, and the relationship between the two concepts will be found. Firstly, a distinction has to be made between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. There are infinitely more thoughts in our mind than we can ever perceive. The German psychologist Fechner, who lived in the second half of the nineteenth century, compared the mind to an iceberg. This iceberg has only a fraction of all the information and thoughts stored in the mind above the water level, on the surface of consciousness, but by far the biggest part of it is hidden underwater, in the unconscious mind. Recent research has shown that only a very tiny proportion of our unconscious thinking is converted to conscious thinking. This conversion processes like the search engine in a computer: this 'search engine' unconsciously selects the thoughts we want to be available for our conscious mind. Then a small part of the thoughts from the unconscious component of the mind, the part that is aware of, and to a certain extent induces the person's choice of action, is consciously translated i nto language. This means that the meaning a person wishes to express provides the strategy for the proper word. In the conscious mind there are words, whereas in the unconscious mind there are only concepts. Creativity, for instance, can be found in the unconscious mind. Inspirations for paintings or for music compositions are found in the unconscious mind. Human beings, however, do not encounter them in the form of words. Musicians in general are much more likely to think in form of harmony instead of in a melody: they do not think in the form of chords, but in the form of harmony and melody. This harmony is in that musician's subconscious mind, and is expressed through his conscious mind in the form of a melody. Even scientists often do not think in language.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Wal-Mart Essay -- essays research papers fc
Many retail stores are created by an owner that has a very creative idea for marketing products. Not all stores seem to stay in business partly due to the lack of interest shown in later years of the business's growth. The chains that tend to succeed are of course financially backed but the owner of the stores stays creative and innovative in their ideas to keep promoting the chain. One of the best examples of an entrepreneur succeeding in their idea for success lies in one man: Sam Walton, creator of Wal-Mart. At the heart of Wal-Mart's growth is the unique culture that "Mr. Sam" built. His business philosophy was based on the simple idea of making the customer No. 1. He believed that by serving the customer's needs first, his business would also serve its associates, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders. The goal at is to bring Mr. Sam's culture and philosophy from Wal-Mart stores to the Internet. Sam Walton had three basic beliefs the company was built on. Sam Walton built Wal-Mart on the revolutionary philosophies of excellence in the workplace, customer service and always having the lowest prices. They have always stayed true to the Three Basic Beliefs Mr. Sam established in 1962: 1. Respect for the Individual 2. Service to Our Customers 3. Strive for Excellence Sam Walton always knew he wanted to be in the retailing business. He started his career by running a Ben Frankling franchise store and learned about buying, pricing and passing good deals on to customers. He credits a manufacturer's agent from New York, Harry Weiner, with his first real lesson about pricing: "Harry was selling ladies' panties for $2 a dozen. We'd been buying similar panties from Ben Franklin for $2.50 a dozen and selling them at three pair for $1. Well, at Harry's price of $2, we could put them out at four for $1 and make a great promotion for our store. Here's the simple lesson we learned ... say I bought an item for 80 cents. I found that by pricing it at $1.00, I could sell three times more of it than by pricing it at $1.20. I might make only half the profit per item, but because I was selling three times as many, the overall profit was much greater. Simple enough. But this is really the essence of discounting: by cutting your price, you can boost your sales to a point where you earn far more at the cheaper retail than you would h... ...t have not agreed to pay back wages. Wal-Mart tends to hire very faithful, hard-working employees. They tend to stay in the company over their whole career. Brenda Whitlock, a Wal-Mart co-manager, stated, â€Å"There haven’t been any recent changes in our upper management or change of ownership.†She also stated that they were only hiring for cashiers at this time due to their successful upper management. She wouldn’t release the information pertaining to their computer and distribution systems due to their high regard towards their IT department. Wal-Mart has shown a steady surge in annual revenues  reaching the level of $1 billion in annual sales in 1979. Today, it often sells that much in a single day in 2001. In 2002, Wal-Mart  with its $220 billion in revenues  topped the Fortune 500 for the first time ever, overtaking Exxon Mobil and General Motors. Wal-Mart started off as an innovative idea and later became a marketing and sales success. Bibliography â€Å"1998 Year-end Earnings Fact Sheet,†Wal-Mart, February 24, 1998, pgs. 1-2. â€Å"Wal-Mart: Creation of a profitable Retail Chain,†Wal-Mart, February 8, 2001, pgs. 1-10. Whitlock, Brenda. Co-Manager of Wal-Mart, Fayetteville, Ga.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
American Dream- the Epic of America
I believe the American Dream is belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States to achieve their goals in life through hard work. Today, it often refers to one's material prosperity, which is dependent upon one's abilities and work ethic, and not on a rigid class structure. As James Truslow Adams states in his book The Epic of America which was written in 1931: â€Å"The American Dream is â€Å"that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the f ortuitous circumstances of birth or position. For some people, it is the opportunity to achieve greater material prosperity than was possible in their countries of origin. For others it is the opportunity for their children to grow up and receive an education and its consequent career opportunities. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the restrictions of class, caste, religion, race, or ethnic group. For others in this the dream of choice and flexibility, that is the ability to wake up in the morning and decide to drive, cycle or take public transportation to work.Some say that the American Dream has become the pursuit of material prosperity – that people work more hours to get bigger cars, fancier homes, the fruits of prosperity for their families – but have less time to enjoy their prosperity. Others say that the American Dream is beyond the grasp of the working poor who must work two jobs to insure their family’s survival. Yet others look toward a new American Dream with less focus on financial gain and more emphasis on living a simple, fulfilling life.Thomas Wolfe said, â€Å"†¦to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining, golden opportunity †¦. the right to live, to work, to be himself, and to become whatever thing his manhood and his vision can combine to make him. â€Å". Is this your American dream? I believe most of you will say yes because that is my dream also. Ultimately, most Americans would like to achieve the American Dream of financial independence. Yet it is the means to achieving it that are essential to the nation's ethical foundations.It seems that many Americans covet the easy road to the Dream and in the process undercut the core values that established the Dream in the first place. Equally culpable are the big businesses that capitalize on the quest for the Dream. In an ironic sense, such businesses are fulfilling the Dream for themselves while dangling the possibility of the Dr eam over the heads of the public. There can be little doubt that the producers of the millionaire games shows, the state lotteries, and lawyers are getting rich on other people's yearning for the American Dream.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Does age matters in relationship? Essay
â€Å"Age is a Matter of Mind  if you don’t Mind, it doesn’t Matter.†but the The Bible says not to be â€Å"unequally yoked†(weird way to put it†¦ anyway) It is entirely your choice whether you decide to date someone considerably older or younger than yourself. To some age isn’t a significant factor in dating, while others have a strong opinion and will only date people the same age or within a few years of their age. It is a personal choice. There are no rules to say you shouldn’t date someone much older or younger than yourself, but be prepared for possible judgment from others if there is a considerable age gap. Of course, even if the age difference is there, you have to look at what you both enjoy. Do you have common interests and desires? If so, then an age difference of any size can potentially be overcome. There’s certainly no sense in throwing away a chance at happiness just because of a number. It’s just a good thing to be aware of, in case some difference should arise. But if two people are committed to making something work, it can, in spite of any obstacles that might come up. Both of you need to be sure that â€Å"Both are in Agreement and on the same Page?†But when there is a large age gap, this is when a relationship can face difficulties. With an age gap there is always going to be lifestyle differences. A younger person may enjoy nights out with their younger friends and have no interest in starting a serious relationship, whereas, their older partner might be at an age where they want to settle down and spend quiet time alone with them. However, if one person involved lies about what they want from the relationship then this can cause big problems further down the line. If you want a serious relationship, but the person you are dating only wants a casual one, then you need to think long and hard about whether they are worth sacrificing your dreams for. There are in fact many upsides to age differences in relationships that can have an extremely positive impact. The younger partner has the potential to extract energy and spark from the older partner. Equally as beneficial, an older lover can provide emotional stability and offer guidance with life choices. However social situations with family and friends can be challenging. Despite these potential problem areas, many relationships with an age gap are highly successful. The key is honesty and communication. Being open and truthful from the start about what you are looking for in a relationship, and even life, is the best way to ensure you are able to achieve this. If both partners are in agreement, then there is no issue. Like with any relationship, if you are happy, have a strong bond and are committed to making it work, then together you can cope with any complication life throws in your direction. Levels of Maturity – Immature individuals tend to be funnier and more exciting to be around, but when it comes to the important things – sometimes you can be left disappointed. Sometimes, different levels of maturity can be the deciding factor between your relationship making it or breaking under the pressure. Warning! If he’s still single/divorced after all these years, there must be a reason? Yes, he may not have found â€Å"the right one†yet, but seriously  why is he still single/divorced? Commitment-phobic? Emotionally stunted? Self Centered? You might want to check out his collection of baggage before you travel any further on this journey with him. Good Luck!
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Tax Havens
TAX HAVENS DEFINING Tax Havens †¢ Def 1:A tax haven is a country or territory where certain taxes are levied at a low rate or not at all. †¢ Def 2: Tax haven or fiscal paradise are terms used to refer to a jurisdiction which enables its foreign residents or companies to reduce their tax liabilities from their homelands. †¢ Def 3: â€Å"What †¦ identifies an area as a tax haven is the existence of a composite tax structure established deliberately to take advantage of, and exploit, a worldwide demand for opportunities to engage in tax avoidance. (The Economist – description by Geoffrey Colin Powell ) †¢ Def 4: US Government Accountability Office was unable to find a satisfactory definition of a tax haven but regarded the following characteristics as indicative of a tax haven: 1) nil or nominal taxes; 2) lack of effective exchange of tax information with foreign tax authorities; 3) lack of transparency in the operation of legislative, legal or administr ative provisions; 4) no requirement for a substantive local presence; 5) self-promotion as an offshore financial center. TYPES of Tax Havens ) Universal Tax Haven is a country's offer to entrepreneurs and investors with a wide range of financial and tax benefits. Such havens include colonial territories and also mini countries. In order to attract both entrepreneurs and investors they offer attractive political, economic, fiscal and judicial arrangements. 2) Special Tax Haven allows for special types of activities. A result of such an orientation a situation may be created in which high taxes exist concurrently with the low fiscal rate for particular economic branches or tax payers. BENEFITS and ADVANTAGES of tax havens †¢ profit transfer is a term used to describe profits achieved from selling goods and services at cost. As a result profits are higher in the country where corporation tax is lower. †¢ rotary company is a company which can be bought or set up in one of the tax havens. Registration procedure is simple: the company's owner does not have to reveal his personal data and therefore can use fictional names. Such companies, often called rotary, are used for providing services, purchase transactions or particular joint stock companies sales. offshore company allows for income to accumulate in a low tax jurisdiction. and is used mainly by corporations and rich people from the world of art. †¢ treaty shopping helps tax payers avoid barriers imposed on them by a double tax agreement, which aim is to prevent people from seeking tax benefits in third countries. †¢ Personal residency †¢ Asset holding †¢ Trading and other business a ctivity †¢ Financial intermediaries DISADVANTAGES of Tax Havens †¢ Some people worry about the inaccessibility of their money as it is located in a far away offshore tax haven. However, in this day and technological age this is not an issue. With the advent of online banking, it is now possible and, indeed, expected in many offshore financial centres that their clients will conduct their transactions online. †¢ The main disadvantage for offshore companies located in tax havens is that many government and governmental agencies will not accept tenders from these types of offshore entities. These contracts would include defence, civil engineering, education, health authority and other such civil contracts. EXAMPLES of tax havens †¢ The U. S. National Bureau of Economic Research has suggested that roughly 15% of countries in the world are tax havens, that these countries tend to be small and affluent, and that better governed and regulated countries are more likely to become tax havens, and are more likely to be successful if they become tax havens. The following are designated as offshore financial centres by the IMF(International Monetary Fund ) or the FSF (Financial Stability Forum): Andorra ; Anguilla ; Antigua ; Aruba ; Bahamas ; Bahrain ; Barbados ; Belize ; Bermuda ; British Virgin Islands ; Cayman Islands ; Cook Islands ; Costa Rica ; Cyprus ; Djibouti ; Dominica ; Ghana ; Grenada ; Guernsey ; Hong Kong ; Isle of Man ; Israel ; Japan ; Jersey ; Labuan, Malaysia ; Lebanon ; Liechtenstein ; London ; Luxembourg ; Macau ; Malta ; Marianas ; Marshall Islands ; Mauritius ; Micronesia ; Montserrat ; Nauru ; Netherlands Antilles ; New Zealand ; Niue ; Palau ; Panama ; Philippines ; Puerto Rico ; Samoa ; Seychelles ; Singapore ; St Kitts and Nevis ; St Lucia ; St Vincent and the Grenadines ; Switzerland ; Tahiti ; Tangier ; Thailand ; Turks and Caicos ; United States (particularly, Delaware, but some other states have offshore characteristics) ; Uruguay ; Vanuatu OECD and Tax Havens: List of Uncooperative Tax Havens In a report issued in 2000, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ) identified a number of jurisdictions as tax havens accordi ng to criteria it had established. †¢ Between 2000 and April 2002, 31 jurisdictions made formal commitments to implement the OECD’s standards of transparency and exchange of information. †¢ Seven jurisdictions (Andorra, The Principality of Liechtenstein, Liberia, The Principality of Monaco, The Republic of the Marshall Islands, The Republic of Nauru and The Republic of Vanuatu) did not make commitments to transparency and exchange of information at that time and were identified in April 2002 by the OECD’s Committee on Fiscal Affairs as uncooperative tax havens. All of these jurisdictions subsequently made commitments and were removed from the list of uncooperative tax havens. †¢ Nauru and Vanuatu made their commitments in 2003 and Liberia and the Marshall Islands in 2007. †¢ In May 2009, the Committee on Fiscal Affairs decided to remove all three remaining jurisdictions (Andorra, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Principality of Monaco) from the list of uncooperative tax havens in the light of their commitments to implement the OECD standards of transparency and effective exchange of information and the timetable they set for the implementation. †¢ As a result, no jurisdiction is currently listed as an uncooperative tax haven by the Committee on Fiscal Affairs. THE END THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Modern Life of Computers
The computer has changed the modern lives of many. It is very common for a household to at least have one computer. In addition, computers are essential tools that help ease daily life. Also, computer comes in Various sizes and has many different types of applications. Computers can affect ones daily tasks, finances, and time. To begin with, computers can change ones daily tasks. Programs can do various functions and ease the process of doing it manually without a computer. For instance, a student may finish most of their assignments online with more accurate answers. In fact, there is a well known program called,†Microsoft Word,†that actually corrects many grammatical errors such as punctuations, capitalization, and the most common sentence fragments. Thus, ones essay or report can be done at home, which is more convenient. Since there is a program like the one mentioned it actually reduces errors and makes ones daily task much easier. Finances can be very difficult without any tools, but when you have access to a computer you can do it virtually online without having to go through the hassle of filling out paperwork and using stamps. For example, one may pay their bills online with a credit card in a few clicks. Usually a bill would have the option for the customer to go through their webpage and log in to their account. After, the customer would then go through a process in which he or she would enter the confidential information into the website which would then make the transaction successful. Next, he or she would have the chance to look at the account balance and statement which would then show the mathematics without actually having to go through a calculator. Using a computer to do finances is a very beneficial way for the consumer and the service provider. Computers can dramatically decrease the amount of time necessary to get the job done. For example, it may take a person five hours to finish their shopping needs excluding the time to get to the destination and the time to get back home, but if the person shops online the item may be a click away and be at the door within a few days. In order for a person to shop online they would need to have a credit card and be able to confirm their address. Next, he or she would then go to a reliable website and purchase the items desired for the cheapest amount possible with a few clicks, beats going to the mall for hours and not getting what you desire. As mentioned before, one may pay the bills online which saves time for the mail carrier to actually ship the documentations the destination. This is very beneficial if your bills are on the verge of being late. Finally, having a computer is a very spectacular tool that has many functions that can change the way a person lives. In almost every way the computer is a very beneficial electronic device to have. The computers affected many by reducing daily task, changing the perspective of finances, and decrease the amount of time a person would need to spend.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Religion and the Elderly Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Religion and the Elderly - Case Study Example She showed her affirmation but told me to come after some days, as she won’t be able to give enough time. I made three intermittent visits to her residence to seek her reflections on various aspects of her life pertaining particularly to her outlook on religion and spirituality. When I asked Mrs. Miller to recall from childhood till now her experiences with life, she took a two minutes pause before starting but once she began, she continued without break. She was brought up by her grand-parents most of the time. She lost her father when she was three years old but she remembered the face of her mother, full of affection. Her mother’s untimely death permanently deprived her from motherly affection when Mrs. Miller was hardly eight years. ... Mrs. Miller’s Religious and Spiritual Practices According to Mrs. Miller, she started finding a religious and spiritual touch in her day-to-day functions. Earlier, she never attempted to know how both the terms differed in meaning but when circumstances provided the time and need to analyze these terms, she preferred to spend time to serve the poor. She found a new meaning of religion by tutoring poor school-going children in free. She started finding solace in serving the poor students by taking extra free classes in the evening. It was her way of supporting the cause of humanity, as education and knowledge had been her intangible properties, which according to her, would not decrease if she served the needy students. Mrs. Miller did not get rid of her religious affiliations. She had been in the habit of visiting the Church on week-ends. After the death of her husband, her visits to the Church increased, as she had more free time to sit there and engross herself silently in m editation. Although she had not been a worshipper of oriental spiritual practices in her past life but later, she developed a liking for the Indian tradition of yoga for health and spiritual attainment. Mrs. Miller started attending the yoga and art of living classes for her spiritual growth. She started having a firm belief that to march ahead on the path of spirituality, first thing one needs to do is to cleanse the heart from the impurities of hatred, enmity, greed, and avoiding any such act that promotes negative energy. It realized to her that in stead of spending and wasting too much time in daily busy chores, it was important to learn to do good deeds to cleanse the soul of the impurities of one’s actions. Her
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Race Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Race - Essay Example Though inequalities still exists, it doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be any racial categorization. In the present world scenario utmost importance is given to human rights. Under United Nations resolution human rights to every citizen of every country should be considered as an important factor. It’s every country’s responsibility to protect its citizen’s basic human rights. Human rights violation should be considered as a serious offence, legal and appropriate action should be taken against those who violate these rights Assessing student’s abilities and disabilities is the major factor and teachers should strive to identify these issues. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses one can easily work on these issues. Self-confidence plays an important role in everyone’s lives. It is the deciding factor that decides a winner and a loser. In US the Blacks are the largest immigrants. They migrated from the far lands of the black continent Africa. In the past, since these countries were not as developed as US and their socio-economic structure was on decline, many of the citizens were forced to work as slaves and have to migrate to US. In US, Black immigrants have less education and less skill set, even among Black women also. Apart from other groups these Blacks have less human capital, so they have very less employers in their group and it is indirectly affecting their economic status and social environment also. Gender inequality was always prevailed among the Blacks. Since they were not the major community and further more they were immigrants, they had to face the brunt of racial abuse. One of the reasons of racial abuse was, fear among the US citizens was losing the jobs to these immigrants. Since the Blacks were ready to work for fewer wages there always lies the danger of losing jobs. Most of the Blacks were more or less unskilled or semi-skilled. This makes them of
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Training Responsibilities of Supervisors and Managers Dissertation
Training Responsibilities of Supervisors and Managers - Dissertation Example The supervisors and managers, therefore, have a responsibility to look after the needs and aspirations of the employees who work under their aegis and are trying their utmost to give in the best, on a proactively consistent basis. The training realms within any organization remain significant in entirety because the training modules teach so much more than merely training the employees. They tell them the basics related to conducting their respective chores, tasks, and undertakings. They also dictate the exact basis through which work processes get manifested in entirety. What is even more significant is an understanding that the supervisors and managers play their necessary roles at inculcating the kind of training that is needed by the organization in essence. The HRD department is therefore dependent on the supervisors and managers but what is ambiguous is the fact that these supervisors and managers are not a part of this HRD philosophy at all. The supervisors and managers hold t he fort for the organization when it comes to training and its imparting for the sake of the employees who are present in different departments of the organization. The organizations, therefore, find the best ways and means through which the HRD can become an independent department and work on its own to achieve the end objectives and results; all of which remain significant on a proactive basis. The list of responsibilities might comprise of preparing training procedures and plans for the employees, drafting policies which can tell them exactly what to expect of their relevant domains both in the short term as well as in the long run, and coordinating with clients and stakeholders on a constant basis. The training procedures are important to ascertain because these take into consideration the aspects of inculcating the true spirits of the organization on to the employees who remain significant during such undertakings. The supervisors and managers need to come out of their related realms to make sure that the employees are on track and are able to complete their jobs in a proper way.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Arnold Schonberg, Adolf Loos and the Viennese Circle Essay
Arnold Schonberg, Adolf Loos and the Viennese Circle - Essay Example On the other hand, music tells a story through a carefully crafted set of audio. The best creations in architecture and music take painfully long to craft and they tell a compelling story that captivates its audience. It is evident that several analogies can be drawn between architecture and music in terms of their creation and impact to the society (Breivik, 2011). Inevitably, music and architecture tend to borrow from each other. Music can be considered as a metaphorical representation of a structure that can be transformed into visual terms and be an architectural piece. The relationship between architecture and music can be difficult to fathom for an ordinary person. Yet, a careful analysis of the underlying principles of any music piece shows a clear correlation with architecture. Music can be analyzed in three key parts that are rhythm, melody and harmony. These three features can be incorporated into architecture and help to create striking pieces. Breivik (2011) and Alexander (1999) pointed out that musical influence in architecture redefines a design and showcases the subtle artistic features that make an architectural piece to stand out. Therefore, it is important to appreciate the importance of the relationship between architecture and music. ... He was a member of the Viennese Circle. The architectural ideas of Loos were shaped greatly by the ideas that were brought forth by the Viennese circle (Schezel et al, 2009). Loos was greatly influenced by the musical ideas of his colleague Arnold Schonberg who was also part of the Viennese circle. Both Loos and Schonberg had great influence on each other. In fact, the intellectual relationship in terms of architecture and music that transpired between Loos and Schonberg has had a great impact on the society up to the present time. Loos and Schonberg were active in their professions during the era of serialism. Serialism was a revolution in composition as it was during those times. Traditional melodic, harmonic and tonal conventions were replaced entirely. Arnold Schonberg developed the twelve note system that was a new thinking in the line serial development. In the serial theory, it was the structural series of notes that made up the overall composition. The ilk of Schonberg revoke d standardized musical devices and instead opted to come with something that was unique. The main emphasis in serial development was order and clarity (John, pp. 87). Schonberg let go of the traditional aspects of music and endeavored to reinvent music in its entirety. Serialism in music was about composers coming up with their own musical language based on their ideas and intellectual inclination. Historical reiterations were not given any consideration. In essence, Serialism in music as embodied in Arnold Schonberg’s work was of disruptive nature in comparison with the conventional music at that time. During the time of Serialism, the cultural environment in Vienna allowed
Monday, September 9, 2019
Proposal - Reclassifying Department of Child Services Investigators as Term Paper
Proposal - Reclassifying Department of Child Services Investigators as First Responders - Term Paper Example es where family preservation is not in the immediate best interest of the children and quick intervention must be taken to insure the safety and welfare of the children("Indiana department of," 2014). In Indiana, the Department of Child Services has a separate office in each of Indiana’s 92 counties. Each Department of Child Services office in every county works with that county’s court system and law enforcement personnel.  For the Investigators, those that respond to the initial report of abuse and neglect, they are often called upon to act quickly and make important decisions on a moments notice; therefore, it is crucial that Department of Child Services Investigators complete the necessary training to be considered qualified first responders ("Child protective services," 2014). The head of the program would be the state director. The state director shall oversee the overall progress of the whole program, make informed decisions on matters raising concern and evaluate the effectiveness and importance of the program. He/she is the core personnel in this program. Immediately below the state director is the regional director. They are several in number and are spread over different regions of the country. They are responsible for the regions assigned to them and report any matters to the state director. County directors fall third in the organization’s hierarchy. Each one of them is assigned several counties to overlook and report to the relevant regional director. They mainly supervise the trained first responders of the department. The first responders comes fourth in the organization hierarchy. They could be a minimum of about ten in number when the program attains its maximum capacity over the years as time progresses. The first responders are the ones responsible for ground work of the program. They are to receive thorough training on how to be a first responder and execute the knowledge in the field in times of disaster. They form the most crucial
Term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Term Paper Example These two distinctive and great philosophers of their time has critically analyzed the sources of morality and the way it affects humans in conducting various actions or making different decisions. Introduction Ethics covers wide areas of human life similarly it has great significance in the overall societal boundaries and social welfare. Morality and ethics are often used interchangeably because on the communal level they both represent the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Morals actually directs minor to major human actions, motives and desires. It often happens that you want to do something really crazy; however, you stop yourself from committing any offense just because of social morals or ethical conduct. This happens with almost everyone in the world and therefore we must pay tribute to ethics and moral principles which actually alleviate evil human desires and taught us the just way of living a life. Morals are not only limited to the difference and recognitio n of good and bad deeds rather they have a very broad spectrum which widens through the social justice to the animal rights. Obligations towards the poor, declination of suicidal activities, preservation of natural environment, protection of government assets and above all paying respect to every individual comes under the ethical and moral principles (Singer). In the contemporary world people often believe that morality and ethics have gone out of date and that these vague ideas actually stop humans from effusively enjoying life or fulfilling the human desires in whatever way they like. However, reality is far different from the common perception. Ethics are required by humans in order to live a peaceful and contented life. They are responsible to limit the evil desires and also to confront common societal issues. Though humans have made great advancements in last few centuries still their evil side needs to be limited by some effective and efficient moral principles so as to safeg uard the human civilization. Furthermore, morals are wrongly considered as the list of prohibitions rather they should be better understood as a set of considerations regarding our natural environment, social set up and overall human development (Singer). Peter Singer has presented a substantial form of moral sphere which is commonly associated with the theory of Utilitarianism. This moral sphere has primarily two distinctive parts which provides a better understanding of the overall concept of ethics and morals. Peter Singer has made a greater emphasis over the application of morals in human lives since people especially philosophers frequently talk about the importance of ethics but they hardly emphasize upon its application in personal and collective lives. In broader terms Utilitarianism is a complex combination of two doctrines namely; theory of what is good and the theory of what is right. Things which appear correct are often regarded as unethical due to the bad aspects attac hed to them similarly things which seem good are again rejected by the morality principles because of their association to some wrong actions (Singer). However, the moral sphere of Singer is closely related to the consequences of deeds and actions. For instance, things which are categorized as right would always bring good or positive consequences. As mentioned previously that Singer’
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Applied Integrated Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Applied Integrated Business - Essay Example This paper is an attempt to synthesize everything I had learned so far which can be applicable in a world of business that is further made complicated and difficult by various financial crises. In the next few pages, I will elaborate on these further by enumerating the three most important. Discussion I think Professor Michael Porter's Five-Forces Model of competition is the first thing that comes to my mind in terms of importance. His model is applicable to almost all industries anywhere in the world. It has universal applications and any aspiring manager should learn to apply the principles in this model. Doing so will make his job as manager much, much easier. It will allow him to analyze a given industry, formulate the appropriate strategies and then be able to implement this particular chosen strategy to achieve superior results, no matter what. It is a given that the Porter model is extremely useful for industry analysis in order to attain that sustainable superior performance over peer industry competitors. The model further simplifies the whole job of any manager; without it, it is quite difficult to arrive at a good decision due to sometimes too much data to analyze that one can easily get lost of the strategic objective. The second most important thing I learned during the course is the 7 Ps of marketing. ... This model will help to put things in a proper perspective so corrective measures can be undertaken to rescue new products and services from being failures in the market. This model is a step-by-step guide to successful marketing techniques because it analyzes each step to be taken when selling and it helps to remove guesswork by making the analysis much more professional and accurate. The third most important I learned so far in this course is the SWOT analysis model. It may seem simple but it at least has a systematic approach when analyzing the inherent kind of strengths and weaknesses of any business organization. The first two letters are S and W; it pertains to the internal structure of the business firm by looking inward at its core competence or the areas of operations in which it has advantages while at the same recognize weaknesses. This will allow the firm to take corrective measures to remedy these weaknesses. The second two letters which are O and T represent opportuniti es and threats from the environment which are considered as external to the firm. The usefulness of this SWOT model is it is applicable to individual persons as well, such as taking pre-emptive or preventive measures to avoid any possible harm or dangers. The SWOT model for analysis is also useful in other situations like disaster preparedness by government units and other non-profit organizations because it will try to recognize possible dangers and allow for sufficient advance planning to avoid failures. The SWOT model has internal and external components, very much like Porter's Five-forces model, which has three external components and two internal features in the said model. I fully intend to use all my accumulated knowledge from the course in my daily
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